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William forneceu:

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Olá, Eu sou William

Friendship, companion and culture.

  • Mora em Brasília, Brasil
  • Fala Espanhol, Português, Francês, Inglês
  • Concierge Friend: 25.0 / hora
  • Amigo Virtual: 40.0 / hora


I enjoy meeting new people from all over. If you're looking for somebody who will not only go to places with you but who will also make the best of your experience in a cheerful way whatever it may be, then reach out to me!


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


LGBT Arte e Fotografia Familia e Filhos Gastronomia Compras Locais Musica e Vida Norturna Esportes e Ar Livre Bem estar e Natureza