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Olá, Eu sou Andre

  • Mora em Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Fala Português, Inglês, Alemão
  • Concierge Friend: 25.0 / hora
  • Amigo Virtual: 40.0 / hora


German expat, living in Rio de Janeiro for about 7 years now, in Brasil since 2001. I work as a freelance graphic designer, and spend most of my free time outdoors. As a local friend I offer spending a day in the Favela Vidigal, and/or hiking up the Dois Irmãos Trail, which probably has the most beautiful 360° view of the city. I can give some authentic insights of favela life, history and culture. There are alot little explored hiking trails which offer breathtaking views of Rio, with varying degrees of dificulty. But I also enjoy hanging out on hidden beaches, dipping into waterfalls in the Tijuca Forest or going out to shows, expositions and pubs, as long as in good company!


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


Arte e Fotografia Gastronomia Compras Locais Esportes e Ar Livre Bem estar e Natureza