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Luciane provide:

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Cuentas Vinculadas

  • Facebook

Hola, yo soy Luciane

  • Vivir en Belo Horizonte, Brasil
  • Habla Portugués, Inglés, Alemán
  • Concierge Friend: 25.0 / hora
  • Amigo virtual: 40.0 / hora

Acerca de

I love everything new: people, ideas, places, flavours... I love making people laugh and people that make me laugh. I believe life is a gift and that we have to do the best we can do to help and to learn from each other. I've lived and worked in Itaúna(MG), Belo Horizonte (MG), Viçosa (MG), Pomerode (SC), Xerém (voluneering time in a NGO in Rio de Janeiro), Freiburg (exchange program als Au-Pair in Germany for a year), Florianópolis (trying to open an event company) and I've chosen such this great place to live, based on my personal research that included social indexes and other life quality meters. Don't come here, unless you wanna stay! You can't say anyone warned you. ;-) I got a personal page on facebook that's called "Aventura do dia", something like "Adventure of the day" where I post my experiences on this great city! fb.com/aventuradodia


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


Gastronomia Compras locales Desportes y aire libre Bienestar y naturaleza

Consejos y trucos de la ciudad