Sunday bike ride

Local Friend: Claudio

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  • Rio de Janeiro

About Claudio

Hello there! What can I tell you about me? I was born in Rio in the beginning of the eighties and have lived here my whole life. Not on the same spot, though. As matter of fact, I´ve lived in 15 different address in Rio. (And no, my parents do not own a moving company if you're wondering about it). On the brightside, this has led me to a great amount of new corners in Rio. I´ve studied journalism and business administration and also I like to travel. A lot. I even blog about it. So far I´ve been in more than 20 countries, but I always return back home safe and sound to watch the sunset in Ipanema again. And if you´re beer fan like myself, there´s a great chance that we'll wrap up the day in my prefered bar.

About Sunday bike ride

Sundays the roads alongside Leblon, Ipanema and Copabacana Beach are closed to vehicles. The same happens in Aterro do Flamengo. It's perfect for a bike ride. I love to cycle all the way from Ipanema to city centre. Passing by the beach, the Sugar Loaf, Corcovado and Guanabara Bay. I do a little pit stop near the local airport to watch a couple of flight arrivals & departures and if I feel tired I take the subway on the way back