Become a local friend

Earn money as a Local Friend

Share your talents, stories and local tips with locals and travelers around the world

Travel the world as a member

Get direct access to a trusted network of local experts for local tips, experiences and accommodation

3368 Local Friends, worldwide, like you, in 892 Cities

3368 Local Friends, worldwide, like you, in 892 Cities

Global Collective Brand

We are better together! As a collaborative platform, we host all pages in one single web address, thus help each other to build wider traffic to each other’s page and optimize a global network

Host & Manage your page to share your local expertise

We do all the tech hard work for you! Get your personal web address, messaging service and hosting for your unlimited videos, photos and posts.

Local Friends Network

As a Local Friend member you can also have direct access to the Local Friend’s trusted network during your travels too. Connect with other Local Friends for local experiences, best tips and accommodation.

Collaborative Economy

With all membership crowdfunding donations, we are able to host all Friend’s page, promote ongoing marketing campaigns for the Local Friend’s community besides IT investments to keep our community platform always better and higher for everyone

Create your profile


Activate services you want to offer


Get verified through the community’s contribution fee


Generate local content and become a Local Friend Guru


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