Cais do Sertão and Luiz Gonzaga Museum
Local Friend: Roderick
Contact this Local Friend to request a Local or Virtual Experience
About Roderick
I was born and raised in Recife and feel very passionate about the city. I have moved back here after living in Fernando de Noronha for six years, an incredibly beautiful island off the coast, just 01h away on a plane. It was a super rich experience where I had the chance to interact with travelers from all over the world. In 2011, I traveled around Europe for a couple of months, and studied English in Dublin for a month, another amazing experience! I’m really interested in nature and culture and love exchanging ideas so it is a real pleasure to me to welcome foreigners and try to provide the visitors with a more genuine local experience.
About Cais do Sertão and Luiz Gonzaga Museum
Some steps from the Marco Zero square, and you’re at Cais do Sertão Luiz Gonzaga Museum. It’s open since March 2014th. You will need, at least, 02 or 03 hours to visit. There are lots to see, not just only to "see", but also to interact, listen to and play! There are some interesting instruments available to play. Everything inside the museum is about Luiz Gonzaga, the most celebrated Baião/Forró singer in Brazil, and about the Sertão Pernambucano. Their culture, way of living, everything is there! You have to pay BRL 10. Free on Tuesdays. There are guides speaking English, you just need to go and ask for the assistance.