I didn’t say it would be good though …lol

Local Friend: Patience
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About Patience
Taurus here :) I’m a photo studio owner and art consignment shop owner. Not only an artist but art collector. I love traveling and discovering new art styles and cultures. Outside of the arts I loveeee cooking & nature. Although I love New York City I’d love to experience more hiking & treking one day.
About We put fries on everything!!
I know you’ve heard about Pittsburgh and our odd way we combine our food. You’ve missed the macaroni on beef sand whiches or the infamous “Pittsburgh Salad” (I bet anywhere you go in Pittsburgh to eat if you order a salad .. you’re automatically going to have fries loaded on top of it) but although not the best in taste unless you’re inebriated.. it’s sort of like a taste bud souvenir to try Primantis! Yes, cole slaw and fries on a turkey sandwhich. It’s a must!!