How to eat a croissant

Local Friend: Jeanne
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About Jeanne
Hello! I worked in international film festivals before becoming a freelance protest photographer. I adore bookstores, meeting humans and writing. Nice to meet you!
About How to eat a croissant like the French do
Lifestyle Tip Many times, when we are abroad, we want to follow the local's footstep and wish to appear knowledgeable about the cultural lifestyle. Therefore, we believe that the best way is the educated way. Not always. When it comes to eating croissants in Paris, the fashion hub and elegant french capital, one would assume one needs to be proper and stylish when doing so. The truth is, you (really) don't. You want to have a food orgasm? The only way is to tear it apart with your barehands like it's the last remaining croissant on the planet. Get butter on your fingers, yes the crumbles will fall on the floor and you will make a mess and it's okay because you're doing it right. Just make sure you grab a napkin for when the experience is over, you will want to get rid of the delicious grease that could testify of what just happened. This is your guilty pleasure and no one has to know.