A local experience inside a bar

Local Friend: Community

Contact this Local Friend to request a Local or Virtual Experience

  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Cheap

About Community

Rent a Local Friend is a global platform that connects people who love to travel with those who are passionate about where they live and have a good story to tell. More than a simple walk, we seek the sharing of local tips and contents, information that will not be revealed in any travel book or guides and the most importantly thing, the essence of each culture and the local spirit. All of this is done in a spontaneous, genuine, collaborative and interest-based way, allowing people to connect with those who have similarities or characteristics in common, providing a complete immersion in the next destination to be known.

About Bar do Davi

A nice bar, with nice food, inside a community in Leme, Copacabana Rio de Janeiro. A great experience to have in town!