Great place to stay!
Amigo Local: Liliana
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About Liliana
I'm a person who loves meet people from all over the world, borned and rise in Santiago, living in Viña del mar/Valparaiso, which means that i could show you three cities if you want!! i lived in brazil for 6 years, Rio Paraty and Sao Paulo, i love to walk around the city and discover new interesting spots, lets take a walk??
About La Casa Roja Hostel
If your are in back packer mood, the best hostel in Santiago is La Casa Roja, perfect for summer time, huge garden with swimming pool and bars. For families or couples, i should recommend you an apartment in Bellas Artes area, downtow Santiago and beautiful places to walk around. I also know a lot of mor hotels, so feel free to ask for more specific recommendations