• Verificado

Yy forneceu:

  • Endereço de e-mail
  • Número de telefone

Olá, Eu sou Yy

  • Mora em Los Angeles, EUA
  • Fala Inglês, Mandarim
  • Concierge Friend: 39.0 / hora
  • Amigo Virtual: 29.0 / hora


Hello! I like making new friends and doing different indoor or outdoor activities (As long as it’s safe and appropriate). I speak Mandarin, Cantonese and English. Let me know if you need help with learning Chinese or you need a tour guide in Los Angeles, marketer, model, stylist, personal shopper, hangout buddy, spiritual support, listener, companion for certain events...etc, I am happy to help and participate. I am a friendly, respectful, and reliable lady. ***Please message me directly if you would like to meet up, I will response as soon as I can. Thank you!


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


Arte e Fotografia Gastronomia Compras Locais Musica e Vida Norturna Bem estar e Natureza