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Olá, Eu sou João

I am João. I am 19 years old. I study Letras (English language teaching) at UFMG. I think that the more you know people and places, the better you will feel about yourself

  • Mora em Belo Horizonte, Brasil
  • Fala Português, Inglês, Italiano
  • Concierge Friend: 25.0 / hora
  • Amigo Virtual: 45.0 / hora


I love going out, taking pictures and talking to people I love going to different places: shows, bars, museums, parties, fairs and conventions. We can talk about everything and visit everywhere


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


Arte e Fotografia Compras Locais Musica e Vida Norturna Esportes e Ar Livre

Dicas e Truques da cidade