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Jay forneceu:

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Olá, Eu sou Jay

  • Mora em Banquoque, Tailândia
  • Fala Inglês
  • Concierge Friend: 25.0 / hora
  • Amigo Virtual: 20.0 / hora


Hi my name is Jay from the UK, I have been travelling now for two years. Mostly in my camper I left my camper that I built & travelled Europe in Bulgaria with my cat and decided to come to Thailand to meet new people and make new friends. I am a very good cook. I enjoy many hobbies all sports tennis, golf football billiards I like water sports including Kite Surfing, wakeboarding surfing body boarding I enjoy eating out and can tell many stories about My travels around the world and Europe with Roxy my cat. Please contact me through WhatsApp +447816003580


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


Gastronomia Musica e Vida Norturna Esportes e Ar Livre Bem estar e Natureza