Are you ready to rumbleeeeee!!??

Local Friend: Brenda
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Ciudad de México
About Brenda
Hola!!! I'm a 31 years old woman, I've lived in Mexico City my whole life. My major is international relations at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. I've also traveled, not as much as I would like but enough to understand your needs and point of view. I've always worked in international environments so i'm open -minded and respectful. ------------ESP---------------Tengo 30 años y he vivido en la Ciudad de México toda mi vida. Estudié la Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales en la UNAM. He viajado, no tanto como quisiera, pero lo suficiente para entender tus necesidades y tu punto de vista. Siempre he trabajado en ambientes interancionales lo que me ha dado una mente abierta y respetuosa. --------------FRA-------------Je suis une femme du 30 ans, j’ai habitée au Mexique tout ma vie. J'étudiée Relations Internationales a L'Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique. J'ai voyagé avant et j’ai comprends tes besoins et point de vue. Aussi, toujours j'ai travaille dans an ambiance international, par conséquence je suis ouvert et respectueuse. ------------------中文---我30岁女人,现在我跟中国人工作,我在UNAM大学学习汉语,我懂一点点。
About Mexican Wrestling!!
The best and more traditional venue of original Mexican Wrestling!! It's actually a lot of fun and if you pick a wrestler - buy the tickets that same day at the ticket office (unless you buy them in advance for a special fight or so). Try to avoid street sellers. There are parking lots nearby but the best option is to get there by uber/taxi and leave after the event.